

Make a distinctive impression with (online) presentations, perfectly aligned with your website

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Perfect Experience on Any Device

Personal Attention, Mobile First

Attention is everything. You can feel when a presentation is made with genuine care, especially when it has a personal touch that precisely appeals to your lead. Not only through content but also in the manner of presenting. Our online presentation tool helps you quickly create personalized presentations that scale seamlessly across all devices. Curious about a demonstration of our tool?



You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Personal attention is key to this. At the beginning of the presentation, you can directly address customer needs and guide the reader through your solution.

Eenvoudige bouwblokken

Simple Building Blocks

You build with pre-developed blocks, refined for all devices. Within these, you have complete freedom to adjust the content as desired. Simply click together only the relevant building blocks that make your story truly relevant.

Snel en eenvoudig

Fast & Easy

You create the presentation online, and the reader also gets online access to this responsive presentation. They can view it on any device whenever they want, whether it's from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Presentations that Speak for Themselves
Convince with a Personalized Presentation
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Our Approach to Presentations
How does it work?
Een uniek en krachtig merkverhaal zit in iedere organisatie. Wij halen het naar boven, om in de toekomst vanuit een kern te communiceren.
Step 1


Let us know what kind of presentations you currently make, how much time you spend on them, and what the results are. We will then gladly give you a demonstration of our tool that we use to create presentations and show you some great examples.

Vergroot jouw online zicht- en vindbaarheid. Genereer meer leads, conversies en uiteindelijk omzet.
Step 2

Inspire & Design

Together, we determine the content of the ideal presentation for your brand. We then develop this concept and create the blocks that allow you to build presentations modularly, complete with subtle animations and transitions. Everything that's possible on a website can now also be done in your presentation, and everything is mobile-first.

Ons team neemt je mee in diverse conceptuele richtingen en presenteert dit in een inspiratiedocument.
Step 3

Create Personalized Presentations Quickly

You will receive a short training to create presentations yourself. From now on, you can create a personalized presentation for your leads in just a few minutes. And if you prefer us to do it based on your input? That's possible too! You will be amazed at the effectiveness!

Experiences of our clients

Een review vanuit Sjoerd van der Werf van QRS voor Embassy of Brands

"EoB takes care of our presence on the well-known social media channels."

sjoerd van der werf - QRS
Een review vanuit Claire Janssen van Dolmans Landscaping Group voor Embassy of Brands

"When we need something, the EoB team is there for us."

Claire Janssen - Dolmans
Een review vanuit Maurice Konings van voor Embassy of Brands

"For us, EoB is the partner that ensures we stay top of mind with our customers."

maurice konings -
Een review vanuit Ton Goedmakers van Vebego voor Embassy of Brands

"They don't know the word 'impossible,' and it's always inspiring to brainstorm with the team about creative solutions."

ton goedmakers - vebego
Een review vanuit Fred Kieboom van Dakned voor Embassy of Brands

"The collaboration with the people at EoB has been very enjoyable from day one and has made a significant contribution to our identity."

Fred Kieboom - Dakned
Een review vanuit John van Wezel van Netpro voor Embassy of Brands

"The Embassy takes care of us, which is precisely what we need."

john van wezel - netpro
Een review vanuit Pepijn Berendsen van Planet Brownie voor Embassy of Brands

"The collaboration went smoothly and according to schedule, which feels very pleasant to me."

Pepijn Berendsen - Planet Brownie
Een review vanuit Erwin Volkers van Polyfluor voor Embassy of Brands

"The Ambassadors have taken our online marketing to the 'next level' with their ideas and dedication."

Erwin Volkers - Polyfluor
Een review vanuit Jesse Lensen van Bolt it voor Embassy of Brands

"Now we have a strong brand with a recognizable style that resonates with us and others, and that we want to be a part of."

jesse lensen - boltit
Een review vanuit Fenna de Man van This is Be voor Embassy of Brands

"At the Embassy, they don't need many words."

Vergroot jouw online zicht- en vindbaarheid. Genereer meer leads, conversies en uiteindelijk omzet.
Want to know more about (online) presentations?
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you create a presentation?

Creating a presentation starts with defining your message and objective. Generally, the more specific you can be, the more successful your presentation will be. Consequently, creating a presentation can be very time-consuming, as every client is different and faces unique situations and challenges.

How do you start a presentation?

You begin a presentation by addressing the client's pain points, the needs they have, whether consciously or not. This way, the reader knows you understand them and is more likely to engage with your entire presentation. Failing to address the client's pain points drastically reduces the chances of the reader paying attention to your presentation.

How do you create a good presentation?

A good presentation is one that perfectly addresses the client's needs with minimal distractions and is quick to create. This efficiency allows you to effectively convince leads of your strengths without compromising the quality of your story.

What does your presentation tool offer me?

Firstly, our presentation tool allows you to send personalized presentations to many more leads, saving you a significant amount of time and expanding your reach. Additionally, it enhances the effectiveness of your presentations by enabling precise alignment with the client's needs, ultimately leading to more satisfied clients.

How quickly can I create a presentation using your presentation tool?

You can actually compile a customized presentation within minutes. Once the presentation tool is set up with the necessary building blocks for creating a good presentation, selecting the relevant building blocks becomes straightforward. On the front end, you can tailor your presentation to address the client's specific questions and guide the reader through seamlessly.

Discover the power of personalized (online) presentations