
Let your text speak for Itself

Share your unique story, products, services and much more through personal and authentic text.

Een partner in merkontwikkeling en -onderhoud.
Wij helpen je jouw merkvisie tot leven te brengen.
Ontdek de drive achter onze onderneming.

Reach your target group

Your brand. Your unique story

You want to engage, inform, and inspire your audience to take action. For this, the content on your website, social media, and every other communication must perfectly align with your brand and target audience. What is the exact purpose of the communication, and what should the customer know? Trigger your audience and immerse them in your brand.

Vergroot jouw online zicht- en vindbaarheid. Genereer meer leads, conversies en uiteindelijk omzet.

Show your strength

Our first question is what makes you different from your competitors. Not whether you are better or cheaper, but what makes you unique. That is the hook we need to draw your audience over the line.

Deel mooie verhalen over jouw bedrijf, de markt of je klanten. Webteksten, artikelen, social content, we doen het allemaal.

Responding to customer needs

We identify who your target audience is and what their pain points are. We address these so that their attention is immediately captured, and they know we understand them. The needs will be addressed at every step.

Deel consistent indrukwekkende content via jouw social media kanalen en laat je naamsbekendheid groeien.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Do you want to score based on search engines? Then we optimize the content. We look at which keywords best fit your target audience and optimize the texts accordingly. This way, you will also be better found.

Create Engaging Texts
Capture your audience's attention and convince them of your strength
EOB   Socialmedia 0001 POLYFLUOR   Mockup socialmedia
EOB   Socialmedia 0000 VOS   Mockup socialmedia
EOB   Socialmedia 0002 NETPRO   Mockup socialmedia
EOB   Socialmedia 0003 PLANET BROWNIE   Mockup socialmedia
EOB   Socialmedia 0005 Frisdrank   Mockup socialmedia
EOB   Socialmedia 0006 DOLMANS   Mockup socialmedia
EOB   Socialmedia 0007 QRS   Mockup socialmedia
Our Approach to Copywriting
How does it work?
Een uniek en krachtig merkverhaal zit in iedere organisatie. Wij halen het naar boven, om in de toekomst vanuit een kern te communiceren.
Step 1


Let us know your situation and challenges. We will then create a plan to ensure that you trigger your audience and use copywriting to grow your brand.

Vergroot jouw online zicht- en vindbaarheid. Genereer meer leads, conversies en uiteindelijk omzet.
Step 2


Next, we research your target audience and the keywords they search for. Then our copywriters get to work writing excellent texts, which we will first present to you.

Ons team neemt je mee in diverse conceptuele richtingen en presenteert dit in een inspiratiedocument.
Step 3

Engage your audience

You will see changes on your website: more actions, more interactions, and eventually more visitors due to improved positions. If desired, we will keep track of the content to continue optimizing it.

Experiences of our clients

Een review vanuit Sjoerd van der Werf van QRS voor Embassy of Brands

"EoB takes care of our presence on the well-known social media channels."

sjoerd van der werf - QRS
Een review vanuit Claire Janssen van Dolmans Landscaping Group voor Embassy of Brands

"When we need something, the EoB team is there for us."

Claire Janssen - Dolmans
Een review vanuit Maurice Konings van voor Embassy of Brands

"For us, EoB is the partner that ensures we stay top of mind with our customers."

maurice konings -
Een review vanuit Ton Goedmakers van Vebego voor Embassy of Brands

"They don't know the word 'impossible,' and it's always inspiring to brainstorm with the team about creative solutions."

ton goedmakers - vebego
Een review vanuit Fred Kieboom van Dakned voor Embassy of Brands

"The collaboration with the people at EoB has been very enjoyable from day one and has made a significant contribution to our identity."

Fred Kieboom - Dakned
Een review vanuit John van Wezel van Netpro voor Embassy of Brands

"The Embassy takes care of us, which is precisely what we need."

john van wezel - netpro
Een review vanuit Pepijn Berendsen van Planet Brownie voor Embassy of Brands

"The collaboration went smoothly and according to schedule, which feels very pleasant to me."

Pepijn Berendsen - Planet Brownie
Een review vanuit Erwin Volkers van Polyfluor voor Embassy of Brands

"The Ambassadors have taken our online marketing to the 'next level' with their ideas and dedication."

Erwin Volkers - Polyfluor
Een review vanuit Jesse Lensen van Bolt it voor Embassy of Brands

"Now we have a strong brand with a recognizable style that resonates with us and others, and that we want to be a part of."

jesse lensen - boltit
Een review vanuit Fenna de Man van This is Be voor Embassy of Brands

"At the Embassy, they don't need many words."

Vergroot jouw online zicht- en vindbaarheid. Genereer meer leads, conversies en uiteindelijk omzet.
Want to Know More About Copywriting?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is copywriting?

Copywriting is about persuading your audience with words. That's why copywriting goes beyond just writing texts. It's about creating a story that resonates with your audience, emphasizing the authenticity of your offer, and motivating them to take action. With compelling copywriting, you strengthen your brand by making a lasting impression, fostering more interaction, and driving sales.

What does a copywriter do?

A copywriter does more than just write texts. They bring your message to life. A good copywriter writes with a marketing mindset to know exactly how to strike a chord with your audience. Whether it's advertisements, web content, or sales funnels, a copywriter captivates and influences the reader. The result is more engaged customers, aiming ultimately for increased revenue.

What does copywriting mean for me?

Consider how your website texts were created in the past. Often, texts are an afterthought that "still need to be written." However, every project actually starts with the texts, as they contain your message. The texts then translate into design and into a website. When you want to revamp your website, start with the texts and you'll see how copywriting becomes the key to your business's success. This applies to news pages and social media content as well.

What does copywriting cost?

The costs of copywriting depend greatly on the scope and complexity of the project. Is there still information to be gathered? Do people need to be interviewed? Is it a large article, multiple website pages, or a social media post? Copywriting costs are relative to the content of the task, often based on the hours the copywriter needs to complete the assignment.

How do we approach copywriting?

Copywriting starts with requesting a free consultation to discover how to trigger your target audience and optimize copywriting for your business. First, we need to understand how we can help you. Ultimately, we can take over the task and write texts for your company, website, flyer, video, or other communication pieces. We ensure that your message is heard loud and clear with our copywriting. Our copywriting ensures quick actions, more interactions, and increased website visits.

Can you also optimize my texts for SEO?

Certainly, SEO optimization is one of our specialties. We not only ensure your content is engagingly written but, if you wish, we also optimize it for search engines (SEO). We achieve this by finding the right keywords and strategically applying them to your content. This way, we enhance your website's visibility and attract more visitors.

Discover the power of copywriting