Will Pharma is an agile and powerful team that excels at enhancing well-being. They continuously strive to make people's lives better. With this belief, they connect with their partners and customers, focusing on improving healthcare in the Benelux. They achieve this by delivering quality healthcare products and services tailored to the local market. Will Pharma approached us because they wanted to refresh their brand identity. The result? A new brand story, (product) photography, a new logo, and a completely revamped website. Curious about Will Pharma?
To develop a new brand story, we first immerse ourselves in the current communication expressions of the brand. This is what we call the 'baseline measurement' or '0-measurement.' We investigated all available information about the brand at the start of the project. This includes current social media channels, the existing website, articles via Google, and more. All of this provides an understanding of the organization and how they see themselves. We then complemented this with interviews. These interviews, with the management, employees, and customers, painted a picture of the desired and actual identity. It's always a positive sign when they align closely. Once we know the origins of passion, USP (Unique Selling Proposition), and higher purpose, we craft the brand story. The result was a solid foundation for entrepreneurs who strive for improvement and connection with passion, quality, and respect.
Together with our partners at Mach3Builders, we worked on developing a Mach3Site. While Mach3Blocks is based on blocks, Mach3Site is a fully blank canvas where only customizations are developed. Our web designers collaborated closely with the programmers to create a visually powerful and functional website. Additionally, as with many of our projects, we aimed to create authentic photography. Not only were the people at Will Pharma photographed, but thanks to product photographer Nikita Leckie, we also updated the photography of the entire product inventory.
Will Pharma is a valued sparring partner, and we frequently brainstorm with them about new developments. They will be celebrating their centenary in 2024, and for this milestone year, we are adding a beautiful anniversary touch. In collaboration, we are developing assets that enhance such a significant milestone. Even during the holiday season, we enjoy animating a digital Christmas greeting. With short lines of communication, we are always informed when Will Pharma needs us, and that brings us joy!